Easy D.I.Y Under Sink Storage build from Scrap Materials

Under Sink Storage

Create your DIY under sink storage.

Do you have too much clutter under the sink that you don't have any idea how to organize, or you want to maximize the space under your sink without spending a lot?

I think I have a solution for you. Last week I try to create a storage organizer table made from the scrap material that I used during a repair on our piping. Compose of scrap birch plywood and PVC pipe and fittings

Materials To be used

1: 8pcs of PVC elbow
2: 4pcs of PVC tee
3: PVC pipe
4: Plywood

Steps for creating under sink storage.

1: First measure the space available under your sink and note it down.
2: Cut the PVC pipe and plywood for the desired measurement that you collected.
3: Connect the fitting as per the illustration below. Or customize it the way you wanted.

Storage Pattern

4: After you connected all the pipes use the sandpaper to clean the wood. You can paint it if you want just make sure you sand it for a smoother texture.

Finish Product

So Here's the view under our sink now before it's a lot of clutter and difficult to find what you are looking for. 

A friendly reminder as always wear a piece of protective equipment and use tool and chemical away from children reach and always be positive stay safe, God Bless.