How to Dismantle and Install Rubber Bellow

Rubber Bellow

What is Bellow.

Expansion joints are used in piping systems to absorb thermal expansion or terminal movement where the use of expansion loops is undesirable or impractical. Expansion joints are available in many different shapes and materials.
Bellow you will find a short description of Metallic, Rubber, and Teflon® joints.

How to Dismantle Rubber Bellow.

1: Isolate all sources of energy Power and Valves.
2: Drain all water on your system and make sure the pressure gauges is zero (0) pressure.

Pressure gauge
make sure its 0

3: Install A-frame and use chain block (if applicable) for bigger bellow size.
4: Remove All Bolts and all control rods.

Control Rod
control rod

5: Use Crow Bars and a Flat screwdriver as a lever to expand the flange and to detach the rubber.
6: When the old rubber bellow is detached from both sides of the flange you can easily put it down / remove.

How to Install Rubber Bellow.

1: Clean Both side flanges with sandpaper, file, wire brushes, and spatula make sure you remove all sharp edges. 
2: Use A-frame and chain block (if applicable) for bigger bellow to position and inserting new bellow.
3: Put all bolts in the holes but don't tight yet just use your hand. 
4: Do alignment (cross pattern) and balancing see illustration below.

5: Do that cross pattern hand tight on both sides of the flange and around.
6: During tightening make sure to measure the gap of the bellow flange and pipe flange to make sure it's even.
7: Continue the cross pattern tightening and measuring until the rubber of the bellow is touching the pipe flange.
8: Use a torque wrench to full tight all bolts.
7: Install all control rods make sure of their tolerance and adjust the control rod expansion limit to at least 1mm (one end 0mm other ends 1mm.

example a
example a

example b
example b

A friendly reminder as always wear a piece of protective equipment and use tool and chemical away from children reach and always be positive stay safe, God Bless.